Sales Consulting

Strategic Sales Consulting: Aligning Operations with Organizational Goals for Maximum Impact

A top-down approach to sales consulting emphasizes strategic alignment from the highest levels of an organization down to the specific tactics and operations of the sales team. This method ensures that every aspect of the sales operation is in line with the broader company goals, maximizing efficiency and effectiveness. 

Over 25 years of experience selling to Fortune 500 companies and top 100 fleets using a comprehensive and strategic approach that leads to sales, trust, and retention.  

Company Goals and Alignment

Objective Setting

Start with defining clear, measurable goals at the executive level that become the starting point for a successful sales strategy. These ambitious yet achievable targets should reflect your company's growth objectives, vision, and mission.

Strategic Alignment

Ensure your goals are well-communicated and understood across all levels. Every department, especially sales, should know the company goals and direction and how their work contributes to these overarching objectives.

Resource Allocation

Ensure financial, technological, and human resources are allocated strategically to uphold your company's objectives. Prioritize these resources to investments that promise the greatest potential to realize these goals effectively.

Sales Leadership

Visionary Leadership

Sales leadership should embody the company's vision and be able to inspire and motivate your sales team toward achieving the set goals.

Performance Management

Implement a robust system for tracking sales performance against key metrics that align with your company objectives. This includes setting individual and team targets, monitoring progress, and providing feedback.

Talent Development

Focus on developing a sales leadership pipeline. Identify and nurture potential leaders within the team for succession planning.

Sales Strategy

Market Analysis

Conduct a thorough market analysis, including competitor analysis, to identify opportunities and threats.

Target Customer Segments

Identify specific customer segments based on your company's strengths and market opportunities. Craft a targeted strategy that aligns with these segments, maximizing your business's potential for growth and success.

Value Proposition

Develop a compelling value proposition that differentiates your offerings from competitors, tailored to the needs and preferences of the target segments. Then, create and articulate the right messaging, including solution mapping and compelling cost justification.

Sales Training & Development

Enterprise Sales Training

A comprehensive approach designed to equip enterprise sales teams with the skills, strategies, and insights necessary to sell products or services to large organizations effectively. These programs are tailored to address the unique challenges of navigating complex sales cycles, multiple decision-makers, and high-value transactions characteristic of enterprise sales.

Skills Training

Evaluate the current level of skills within the sales team and provide feedback and recommendations to leadership.  Develop ongoing training for your sales team including 1:1 individual coaching that targets sales techniques, account management, best-in-class communications, developing a winning mindset, and advanced interpersonal skills.

Professional Development

Encourage continuous learning and professional growth. Offer opportunities for salespeople to enhance their skills and increase win rates. This investment in your sales force not only boosts performance but also fosters a motivated and engaged team.

Culture of Excellence

Cultivate a culture that values excellence, continuous improvement, and resilience. Recognize and reward high performance. Build a customer-centric approach to selfless selling and building customer trust and commitment. Priceless!

Culture Evaluation, Change Management, and a Winning Mindset

Current Culture Assessment

Assessing the current organizational culture, identifying strengths, and areas for improvement. Understand how the existing culture impacts sales performance and employee engagement.

Alignment with Goals

Evaluate how well the current culture aligns with the company's strategic goals and vision. Identify cultural aspects that support or hinder the achievement of these goals.

Customer-Centric Approach

Establish a sales mindset that prioritizes understanding and meeting customer needs over merely closing deals. This builds long-term trust relationships, loyalty, and customer retention.

Resilience and Adaptability

Foster a culture that values resilience and the ability to adapt to change. Sales teams should be encouraged to see challenges as opportunities for growth.

Continuous Learning

Promote a mindset of continuous learning and curiosity. Salespeople should be encouraged to stay informed about industry trends, customer needs, and effective sales strategies.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Cultivate a collaborative environment where sales teams work together towards common goals. Sharing knowledge and successes can boost team morale and overall performance.

Fractional VP of Sales

Cost-Effective Leadership

The perfect for smaller organizations or those in transition. This allows access to top-tier sales leadership expertise at a fraction of the cost of a full-time executive.

Strategic Insight

A fractional VP of Sales can provide strategic oversight, helping to refine your sales strategy, processes, and training programs without a long-term commitment.


A fractional VP of Sales also allows for dynamic adjustments based on evolving needs and budget constraints, ensuring flexibility and efficiency.


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